(Unfinished piece featuring my cat, Paco-
who has an unnatural craving for gold flakes,
despite my best attempts of keeping him from eating them)

Above is a synchronicity that occurred to me. While creating this work in progress, I noticed a key symbol from my artwork was oddly placed on the back of a collage piece that I was using. I was inspired by Michelangelo's masterpiece, "The Creation of Adam," and there it was...
Adam's finger had made its way onto the back of half the brain that I was mod podging on.
I couldn't help but be a little stunned by the "coincidence" but I was definitely not surprised,
as I have had my own hodgepodge of synchronicities throughout my life.



What is synchronicity?


It is a very personal experience, 

something that can only be seen through your eyes,

heard through your ears,

and caught by your attention.


It is a distinct voice from the universe that reflects your subconscious mind.

Most people think that synchronicity comes before our actions,

but synchronicity actually follows your steps.

You can see it now as a reflection, a mirrored image,

an output of your input.


Synchronicity happens on the same premise

that your subconscious mind gives you exactly what you are looking for.

The reason for the positive results of affirmations, subliminal messages, and vision boards.

It is like you are programming your own subconscious by using these methods.

You tell it what you want to see, how you want your reality to be, and then you believe it as so.

Your mind will always tell you what you believe,

it is designed in that order.

Hence your entire world

is a reflection of you…


Everything I have spoken of fuels the happening for synchronicity. Say you tell yourself, Universe, I want a job, send me a job and I will be looking for it.

If you set these intentions during the nighttime as you reflect over your life, the next day you will be on the lookout for the answers to your prayers.

In this state of being on high alert, you will find exactly what you are seeking. Like the huntress prowling for her kill, all your senses will be attuned to discovering your answer, ready to pounce at any moment. It will feel like a summonance of sorts because it is. You are summoning what you are seeking to the frontal focus of your spotlight consciousness. In that position, it is sure to be spotted.

So you will proceed to see a hiring flyer on your walk by the main street you pass every week. Or even more strangely, your feet will walk themselves to your future job-site, as if by magic. Your mind will suddenly suggest the exact place at the exact time you need to be there. Your subconscious is truly that powerful: without you even realizing, it will have put all the pieces together so that you can find your way through the maze of life.


The subconscious mind is a God in its own right,



and ever-guiding.

The most powerful intelligent system that you have access to at all times.

It is a gps, hardwired to fit your needs, wants, and desires.

Your body a vehicle and passion is your fuel.

Your mind a map and your spirit is just there for the thrill of your journey.


The spirit, though, can sense synchronicity. It’s the passenger driver that encompasses the ability to send chills down your spine 

and make electricity shoot through your intestines.

You must hear from every part of you 

through sensory listening,

clarity will bring you wisdom.

The wisdom of life

that’s embedded in your design.

You are at one with all things: you are the universe in motion, apart of everything.


I’d say you are a finite God in your own right,

so, no wonder synchronicities follow you everywhere you travel.

We think that synchronicities are from some power that is beyond us,

but synchronicities are from the power within us.

As the be all and end all, 


lead your own life.



With the love of Source, 








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